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Showing posts from July, 2024
 Recurring injuries are annoying to athletes of all ages. They are also annoying to everyday people who want to enjoy the outdoors and recreational activities, as well as those who just want to climb the stairs, sit at their computers, or play with their kids without pain. Maybe they are annoying to you? The question is – why do recurring injuries recur?
 The x-ray image on the left is of a person who has never received chiropractic care prior to the film being taken. The x-ray in the middle represents a person who has received chiropractic Crisis Care only at times when he was in acute pain. The person on the right has been receiving chiropractic Lifestyle Care for over 30 years.
 Extreme Sports are on the rise. At the gym, on the bike, in the park, up a mountain – these are all places where people push their body to the limit. Whether you are extreme on your own or an Ironman, triathlete, distance runner, Tough Mudder, or participate in another extreme sport, this article can help you optimize your performance.
 Do you have any annoying “...aches?” Are they in your head, neck, back or stomach? How about your eyes, ears, nose and throat? How about your heart, bladder or bowel? Annoying “...aches” can reduce your quality of life dramatically. They can keep you from work and keep your children out of school. They can hinder your relationships and they can cause you more severe problems down the road as you age.
 Raising healthy children and preventing childhood obesity is an important parental responsibility. Are your children at risk for developing high blood pressure? They are if they are overweight. According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, “Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates have tripled in the U.S., and today, the country has some of the highest obesity rates in the world: one out of six children is obese, and one out of three children is overweight or obese.”
 Players from nearly every professional sports team utilize chiropractic care to heal quickly from injuries and perform at their highest level. It is even common to see chiropractors giving adjustment on the sideline during games.
A women’s basketball team in San Diego has only one rule – only 80-year-olds and older need apply. This merry band of nonagenarians and centenarians make a Splash on the court every week. Many of these women didn’t even take up the sport until their 60’s or 70’s.
 Every athlete and parent is concerned about head injuries. Children’s chances of sustaining chronic head and neck injuries rise dramatically as they grow. When they become faster, stronger and start sports earlier, the possibility of long-term brain injuries rise as well.
 Extreme Sports are on the rise. At the gym, on the bike, in the park, up a mountain – these are all places where people push their body to the limit. Whether you are extreme on your own or an Ironman, triathlete, distance runner, Tough Mudder, or participate in another extreme sport, this article can help you optimize your performance.
 Spring is in the air and kids and adults alike are excited to get outside! Unfortunately, that also means spring sports injuries, many of which can be prevented. Just one injury can ruin your season and keep you sidelined.
 We are the first generation in history that will get to know our family tree four to five generations deep. This consists of newborn babies, parents in their twenties, grandparents in their fifties, great grandparents in their seventies, and great, great grandparents in their late nineties and over 100 years old. This will become the norm.
 100 Year Lifestyle chiropractors have been providing primary care with a natural flair to their communities for decades.
Chiropractic is a wholistic, drugless practice that has helped improve the lives of millions of people around the world. It focuses primarily on restoring health to a child’s spine and nervous system and keeping it healthy through every stage of growth and development.
 A woman’s body undergoes amazing changes during pregnancy. Hormone changes cause hips to widen, ligaments to relax, and a woman’s brain to change. Pregnancy is the start of a whole new amazing pregnancy brain for mom!
You may not realize it, however, your posture, growth, and healthy emotions are all connected. How? By your spine. Your spine is the structural support system of your body. At any age – child, teenager, adult, or senior – how your spine supports you can be seen in your posture. #100YearLifestyle
 Your nervous system is the master control system of your body and healing energy flows over this network. With over 45 miles of nerves delivering over 3 million messages per second between your brain and every one of your cells, this pathway between your brain and body must be healthy for you to function properly. This pathway must also be clear for you to heal ifyou have been injured or you are sick. #100YearLifestyle
 Pediatric chiropractic is a safe and life-changing practice that helps children heal naturally from all types of conditions. It supports good posture to counterbalance technology, sitting too much, and childhood falls. It helps kids get their lives off on the right track healing ailments ranging from sinus problems to scoliosis. #100YearLifestyle
 The polypharmacy effect is bigger than you think; in fact, it is dangerous. Did you know, according to, that: Polypharmacy is responsible for a shocking 28% of all hospital  admissions. Polypharmacy is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. So, what is polypharmacy? It’s when people take more than one medication. It is most common among seniors and individuals with multiple medical conditions. #100YearLifestyle
 Here is a very important message if you want to live an active, healthy, quality of life for 80, 90, 100 years and beyond: Stop blaming your genes. Too many people rationalize unhealthy choices with thoughts like, “Why bother, it’s in my genes.” You can’t get away with this anymore. It’s time to rewrite your family history. #100YearLifestyle
 Since the 1960s, the number of malpractice lawsuits filed in the US has been on the rise. Approximately 250,000 cases are currently filed each year. However, that figure is nothing when compared to the findings of a 2017 study done by the National Patient Safety Foundation where 21% of American adults reported having suffered from a medical error. #100YearLifestyle
 Most people don’t really understand why posture matters. Did you know that your posture today can determine your future success in business, your day-to-day energy levels, and how fast you age? #100YearLifestyle
 The Journal of Science and Healing reported on a study of 577 children. They were all under the age of 18 and receiving chiropractic care. The study showed that parents reported a high rate of improvement in their children presenting with health issues. The most common symptoms involved were of muscular conditions, ear, nose, throat, and respiratory and digestive issues. They also reported better sleeping patterns, improvements in behavior, and stronger immune systems while under chiropractic care. #100YearLifestyle
 Did you know that the health of your spine can determine your core strength, how fast you age, and the level of health you attain now and over the course of your life? It’s a fact! #100YearLifestyle
 There is a big difference between “getting lucky” or “having good genes” and living to 100, versus living 100:100, at 100% for 100 years. You’ve heard us say it before, but it bears repeating. Your 100 is coming, whether you think you want to live to 100 or not. We want you to embody the 100 Year Lifestyle. It’s important that you have the long-term vision to get to 100 in style, healthy, and enjoying each day. #100YearLifestyle
 Dr. Plasker’s “The Chiropractic Journey” will take you on the rollercoaster ride of chiropractic care from the first treatment through to the present day. You’ll be surprised at what chiropractors encountered along the way to becoming present-day essential healthcare workers. #100YearLifestyle
 Your Nervous System acts as your natural I.T. system to keep your body functioning properly by supplying your cells with Innervation. Innervation is defined as the “distribution of nerve fibers to an organ or body region.” Innervation is essential for the health of every cell, tissue, and organ of your body. More than 45 miles of nerves connect your brain to your skin alone. Innervation between your brain and your heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and muscles relay up to three million messages every second. This Essential Innervation monitors both your inner and outer world and adapts you to your environment. #100YearLifestyle
 How would you like to perform at 100% for 100 years? If you enjoy running or CrossFit, would you want to stop because of an injury? Do you enjoy cycling, tennis, golf, or any other sport? Don’t you want to be able to participate in that sport with joy over the course of your entire lifetime? Of course, you do. Keep reading how to do just that, achieve performance 100. #100YearLifestyle
As if there weren’t already enough, here’s another good reason for good posture! Scientists in Japan conducted a study regarding older people’s posture and found that it may give clues to cognitive decline. This study by the Japanese isn’t a surprise. Attention to the spinal structure and its relation to overall health is far more common in other cultures where life expectancy is higher.  
 Health Care is Rising. As the U.S. and many other nations try to figure out how to pay for the challenges of the aging population , individuals are realizing that they need to take responsibility for their own health through their lifestyle choices, while also utilizing chiropractic as their first choice for care. #100YearLifestyle
In an October 2007, issue of Medical News Today, a report titled "Direct Route from Brain to Immune System Discovered by Scientists" stated, “It used to be dogma that the brain was shut away from the actions of the immune system. But that’s not how it is at all. It turns out that the brain talks directly to the immune system, sending commands that control the body’s inflammatory response to infection and autoimmune diseases. ”  https://the100yearlifestyle. com/immune-system-science- simplified/ #100YearLifestyle
 The health industry has a history of coercion and sharing deadly medical advice. There are things that at one time the medical community claimed to be good for us. Those things are now seen for what they truly are, unhealthy products and behaviors. Worse yet, they were touted by “experts” to a trusting population. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and The New England Journal of Medicine in the U.S. and The Lancet and the British Medical Journal in the United Kingdom. Until 1953, JAMA accepted cigarette advertisements that encouraged physicians to recommend certain brands to their patients and that touted health benefits for filtered cigarettes and for brands with less nicotine. #100YearLifestyle
 Alzheimer’s disease is, unfortunately, one of the most common ailments in the world. A whopping 6 million Americans are estimated to have this affliction, and almost two-thirds of them are women. Though Alzheimer’s typically occurs in adults over the age of 65, over 200,000 of those diagnosed with the disease are under 65.
 The Aligned Athlete documentary is out and it is inspiring athletes of all ages and skill levels to perform at higher levels, stay healthier, prevent injuries, and lengthen their careers.
 There is a Longevity Industrial Complex forming in the world. In fact, it has been forming for many years. It is built around capitalizing on your body’s Innate Intelligence, what you already have inside of you, your birthright. Never heard of the Longevity Industrial Complex ? Think we're overstating the situation? According to Forbes (2019): The Longevity Industry will dwarf all other industries in both size and market capitalization, reshape the global financial system, and disrupt the business models of pension funds, insurance companies, investment banks, and entire national economies. #100YearLifestyle